Busidays 2019

16 International Students participated in our Beermarketing Busidays from 11 to 13 February.

They attended lectures, visited a local brewery and went on a guided tour in the city center. Group case study work proposed by Bertrand Guelette (Marketing Development Manager at La Houppe), really gave our participants an opportunity to develop their analytical, problemsolving, teamwork and communication skills.

Many thanks to everyone who assisted us in successfully implementing this wonderful projet : Frédéric Simonis from Ephec, Christian Van Laethem, Sylvie Delwiche, Luc Gérard, Gauthier Brunelli, Jean-Marc Poncelet ( Marketing and Languages teachers ) Laurent Prevot (Logistics Manager), Camille Maron and Pauline Luttgens (Event Organizers) from Henallux-IESN, Bertrand Van den Dooren, CEO at Expansion Partners and of course, Bertrand Guelette and Damien Claude from "La Brasserie de Namur".

Actualités et agenda

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